Worship Preparation - August 25, 2024

Read the sermon text: 2 Timothy 1:8-18

Read the sermon summary: In this passage we see the theme of not being ashamed of the gospel. Paul issues this command to Timothy and then cites two positive instances of this and one negative. Paul himself wasn’t ashamed of the gospel because he knew God was faithful and able to guard what was entrusted to him until “that day.” Paul also shares the example of Onesiphorus contrasted with that of those in Asia who turned against him. In the example of Onesiphorus we see a bit of what it practically means to “share in suffering for the gospel.” Onesiphorus refreshed Paul while he was in prison and his service in the gospel was well known to Timothy and others. In preparation for the sermon, consider the following questions: The passages begins with the word “therefore.” What does this say about the relationship between this passage and the one that comes before it? What repetitions do you see in the passage besides the theme of not being ashamed? What is the relationship between verses 9-10 and the rest of the passage?

Read the following song lyrics in relation to the sermon: 

Son Of Suffering

Oh the perfect Son of God

In all His innocence

Here walking in the dirt with you and me

He knows what living is

He’s acquainted with our grief

A man of sorrows Son of suffering


Blood and tears how can it be

(That) there’s a God who weeps

There’s a God who bleeds

Oh praise the One

Who would reach for me

Hallelujah to the Son of suffering

Some imagine You are distant and removed

But You chased us down in merciful pursuit

To the sinner You were grace

And the broken You embraced

And in the end the proof is in Your wounds

Yes in the end the proof is in Your wounds

Your cross my freedom

Your stripes my healing

All praise King Jesus

Glory to God in Heaven

Your blood still speaking

Your love still reaching

All praise King Jesus

Glory to God forever

CCLI Song # 7179241

Aaron Moses | David Funk | Matt Redman | Nate Moore

© 2021 Maverick City Publishing; Mouth Of The River Music; David Funk; Aaron Moses Chiriboga Music; Integrity Worship Music; Said And Done Music; Bethel Music Publishing

For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com

CCLI License # 11078052


Worship Preparation - September 1, 2024


Worship Preparation - August 18, 2024